Value types

Type: true / false
Is a boolean value to toggle a flag or specific behaviour that has to match the syntax for booleans in the used file format.
Type: numeric & integer
Is a numeric value (whole-number for integer) that has to match the syntax for numbers in the used file format.
Type: string
Is a sequence of UTF-8 characters that usually have to be placed in quotes and must match the syntax for strings in the used file format.
Type: duration
A duration string is a sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as “300ms”, “-1.5h” or “2h45m”. Valid time units are “ns”, “us” (or “µs”), “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h”.
Type: uri
An uri string must be a valid URI or URL.
Type: hostname
A hostname string must be a valid hostname or FQDN.
Type: one or more [type]s
Indicates that multiple values of [type] can be specified as a list. The list syntax depends on the used file format.
Type: one or more nested [type]
Is a value or a list of values that follow the configuration structure declared in [type].
Type: key => [type]
Is a value that is configuration structure of string keys and values of [type].
Type: key => value
Is a value that is configuration structure of string keys and values of any type.